|醫師分享|長庚美容論壇發表 “朝天鼻矯正手術

主題:Management of short nose (朝天鼻矯正手術)

講師:顏面整形外科/耳鼻喉科 韋志曄 醫師 擔任講師


課程名稱:2014 Chang Gung Aesthetic Conference



Short nose is an important issue in Asian rhinoplasty. The factors result in short nose include short septal cartilage, weak lower lateral cartilage, low nasal bridge, and flat nasal bone.

To lengthen the nasal length, structural rhinoplasty should be performed. Septal extension grafts, tip grafts, and dorsal onlay grafts could be used for extend nasal length and refine the nasal apperance.

Several methods for managing short nose will be discussed and 3 cases will be showed in this presentation.

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